CALFA BAS is New Generation Water Treatment for cooling tower-cooling system-water chiller to save Water and Energy |
"CALFA BAS" is water treatment preparation friendly to the Environment, and which Conditioner for the circular cooling system accorded in the ISO14001. "CALFA BAS" is an inorganic product, economical, safe and easy to handle with remarkable effects, replacing the management of the circular cooling water by organic compound chemicals. |
Water and Energy are an limited resource of energy availablity in different forms. They are extracted from natural resources, thus providing convenience to everyone. Why are water and energy so important? It's really simple for us. The cost of energy rises, it leads to environmental pollution and global warming. It causes the rise of seal level and the temperature rise ,and the price of energy keeps increasing. Pbviously, water is more important for our life.
* (There are some exclusive distributors, or partnership companies that depends on the location. Please ask it to us.) |
We welcome to contact us from all of the world! |